Made A Chat Application With Flutter

Made A Chat Application With Flutter

Introducing Chatty

You know how experienced programmers are always emphasizing that newbies should always work on small projects as a good way of learning. I finally embraced that this year and have been able to work on a few in my flutter learning journey. This is the first one I will be writing a blog about.


So, I was part of an internship and we were given a side task to develop a chat application within a few days for a prize. This is what kick-started this project, I wasn't able to meet up the deadline (the timeline was too fast for me) and in between the internship I had to go on a mandatory service for my country but, I did not stop I continued development whenever I had the time and promised myself not to abandon it till I reached my development goal.





I was able to implement the following features

  • Sign Up
  • Sign In
  • Recent Chats
  • Conversation Screen
  • Search User functionality
  • Log out

Tools Used

  • Firebase Auth for the Sign in, Sign up and Sign out
  • Firebase Firestore for Upload & Retrieve data stored in Cloud Firestore
  • Performed queries in Cloud Firestore
  • Shared Preference to keep the user logged in, Create chat room and Send message
  • Using Stream and Stream builder


Collaborations are welcomed by other developers on this project. I hope to move it from just a basic chat application to a niche-based (haven't decided) chat application. Before that, a lot of work still has to be done on the app though.